All Committees

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Interested in being a part of the great work being done by WOWC? Check out our committees! Each of these committees has a unique set of responsibilities and opportunities for being involved. We’d love to include you in what we do.

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The mission of the Wild Ones Wayne County Seeds to Community program is to create connections with people and nature through the process of growing native plants from seed. For more information, visit the Seeds to Community Page

Program planning committee has a primary responsibility to coordinate and plan programs and events for the chapter. This involves communicating with local speakers, groups and facilities to plan all sorts of events. Examples of events include, but are not limited to

  • Bi-monthly chapter meetings with a presenter or speaker
  • Plant Sales
  • Tabling Events
  • Member-to-Member yard tours
  • Stewardship Events
  • Seeds to Community Program Events
  • Social Events
  • Private and Public garden tours

The School Gardens Committee’s goal is to provide guidance and connect schools with resources to create and maintain a native school garden. For more information, visit the WOWC School Gardens Committee Page.

Community science (sometimes called “participatory science” or “citizen science”) is a form of research that provides everyone-regardless of their background-an opportunity to contribute meaningful data to further our scientific understanding of key issues. For more information, visit the WOWC Community Science Page.