Wild Ones Wayne County Michigan Chapter

2024 Community Growth Challenge
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Connecting people and native plants for a healthy planet

Wild Ones promotes native landscapes through education, advocacy, and collaborative action.

Wild Ones Wayne County (WOWC) is a space where people can gather to support each other in learning about landscaping with native plants. Our goal is to share with the community about why it’s important to reintroduce native plants and how to go about doing it. We are looking to drive change through socializing, teaching and connecting people with the resources they need to make Wayne County landscapes native. We are excited to offer local residents the opportunity to expand their impact in the natural landscaping movement!

Latest News

  • Lorrie Otto Seeds for Education Program Applications Open

    The Wild Ones Board of Directors created the Lorrie Otto Seeds for Education Program in 1996 to help schools with “acquiring native plants and seeds for outdoor learning areas that engage youth (preschool to high school) directly in planning, planting and caring for native plant gardens” If interested for your school, please visit the Seeds…

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  • School Gardens Page Now Available!

    School Gardens Page Now Available!

    To help bring together some resources to socialize the efforts of the School Gardens Committee, we’ve added a School Gardens page.

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  • Native Plant Nursery resource now available!

    Native Plant Nursery resource now available!

    Our first community resource on this site is aimed at connecting you with local nurseries that have native plants! You can find this interactive map on our Local Nurseries with Native plants page.

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