First WOWC S2C Workshop was a Success!

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First and foremost: Thank you to those that were able to be a part of the first WOWC Seeds to Community Winter Sowing event! We had a wonderful time chatting with you and being a part of your native plant journey. As was mentioned at the event, we intend to make this winter sowing event just one part of a year-round program including not only winter sowing, but up-potting, seed collection, seed cleaning and even seed distribution and donation. We hope that you will continue to be a part of our community and join in the efforts to distribute native seeds and plants.

Winter Sowing in the EIC

This first event accounted for more than 84 planted containers, including more than 28 unique species! Bravo!

Those that were unable to attend, we’d still love to have you involved in WOWC Seeds to Community! Feel free to join us for future events or reach out if you would like to get involved.

Post-Event Sign-Out Form

If you did not get a chance to fill out the post-event sign-out form, we would really appreciate your responses so we can continue to improve the program for you and our community. If you have any additional feedback or questions, please feel free to reply to this email or reach out directly to [email protected]


As promised, the seed and plant data that was displayed at the event is available for you and anyone else to use! You can find all of the seed data, including information on species that we did not have available at this particular event on the WOWC Seeds to Community Spreadsheet. The data on this sheet will continue to be updated for future events and expanded as new species are available. For questions on how to use the sheet, reach out to Derek Shaffer, WOWC Web Chair.

Up Next: Up-Potting

Last, but not least, our next major WOWC Seeds to Community event is the up-potting event! We are still in the process of ironing out the details of the exact time and format, but you can be sure to mark your calendars with the following:

What: Seedling Up-Potting
When: June 8, 2025
Environmental Interpretive Center (EIC) at University of Michigan Dearborn
4901 Evergreen Rd, Dearborn, MI

Members of WOWC and those that were interested in the up-potting event on the sign-out form will continue to get email updates on this event, but you can always find the details of all WOWC events on our Events Calendar.